Two Books Worth your Consideration

In the last couple of days I finished a number of books two of which I want to recommend.
What is the Gospel
By Greg Gilbert
this rather small and easy to read book, about 122 pages, clearly and concisely defines the Gospel. 
He asks four questions him the first chapter and then spends the rest of the book answering them.
1. Who made us, and to whom are we accountable?

2. What is our problem? In other words, are we in trouble and why?

3. What is God's solution to that problem? How has he acted to save us from it?

4. How do I—myself, right here, right now—how do I come to be included in that salvation? What makes this good news for me and not just for someone else?


As many different opinions about the scope of the gospel are prevalent in the realm of the church today, this book sets forth the Biblical Gospel. 



by D. A. Carson

this small book consists of five lectures that Dr. Carson gave at Mars Hill church in Seattle.  each chapter is an exposition of a passage of Scripture.  here are the chapters:

1 The Ironies of the Cross: Matthew 27:27-51 a

2 The Center of the Whole Bible: Romans 3:21-26

3 The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb: Revelation 12 75

4 A Miracle Full of Surprises: John 11:1-53

5 Doubting the Resurrection of Jesus: John 20:24-31



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